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You've GOT to be Kidding Me
06/13/2005 - 12:06 a.m.

a while back something that tops the scale of shit happened to me and this chick I knew said she coming to see me and shit

I haven't heard from her since
it's been over a month

so now I get this GROUP email--which i hate--and it's a fucking picture of this dude she won't ignore because he's "abercrombie potential". And I've been trying to download the fucking thing for like an hour and I'm just wasting my damn time online just because, dammit all to hell, i'm curious about this guy and we'll just seeeeeeee about his potential, abercrombie or otherwise.

But I am just like. Hey. You're like 25. Aren't you about a decade past the abercrombie guy obsession phase? And don't you have anything to say to ME???? Not a group. SOooooooooooo stupid.

I mean
fuck you, beeee-itch.

Here it's about to be revealed................................................OK, so yeah, when I was in high school I might have drooled over his body. His face is not all that. He's just sooooo typical. Plus I'm madly in love sooooooooo no guy really turns my head. He's just NOT my type because it's not HIM. And what's funnier to me, is that I forget this kid's name. Not the one I'm in love with but the one with all the so-called "potential".

Gimme a break!
I can't believe I spent all my time on this.

People are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo STUPID!

I have a million other recent events that I could comment on to help explain why...

as if this little teeny-bopper tidbit of retardation hasn't been enough . . . . . . . . .

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